First Year Case Workers
1 | Academy
Academy pre-service training must be initiated as soon as available upon hire. See more information about Academy, including upcoming dates.
2 | LGBTQ+
All staff that come into direct contact with children and their supervisors must complete the six (6) hour LGBTQ and Cultural Competency/Working Effectively with LGBTQ Identified Youth Training within ninety (90) days upon hire.
3 | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
All staff engaged in child welfare services and staff who are handling or could potentially handle cases involving a sexually exploited child and the supervisors of these staff must complete the six (6) hour Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) course within one year upon hire.
4 | Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
All case-carrying child welfare staff and the direct supervisors of case carrying child welfare staff should complete this training in the first year upon hire. (This is provided during the new worker Academy)
5 | Foundational Overview Courses
​All of the following foundational overview courses:
Substance use disorders and child welfare practice
Childhood trauma and child welfare practice
Mental health conditions and child welfare practice
Father engagement and child welfare practice
Domestic violence and child welfare practice
Ongoing In-Service
Completion of at least thirty (30) hours of continuing education in the field of child welfare practice every two (2) years from date of hire. These requirements align with the expectations for Social Work licensure.
The hours must include, but are not limited to:
1 | Ethics in the Practice of Social Work
Completion of four (4) hours of continuing education related to ethics in the practice of social worker every two (2) years from date of hire. The content areas that will count towards the ethics requirement include professional boundaries, confidentiality, dual relationships, documentation, billing, fraud, telehealth, supervision, social media, sexual harassment, exploitation of clients, managing job stress, social work laws and regulations, cultural competency and racial biases, risk management, mandated reporting, scope of practice, professional conduct, standards of care, impaired professionals, and/or certifications for an emergency admission, release from an emergency admission or involuntary court-order.
2 | Cultural Competency
Completion of at least six (6) hours of instruction on diversity, equity, and inclusion every two (2) years from date of hire.
3 | Suicide Prevention
Completion of at least two (2) hours of instruction on evidence-based suicide prevention and awareness every two (2) years from date of hire.
4 | LGBTQ+
All staff that come into direct contact with children and their supervisors must complete annual training on topics related to working with LGBTQ youth - annually from the date of hire.
5 | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
All staff engaged in child welfare services and staff who are handling or could potentially handle cases involving a sexually exploited child and the supervisors of these staff must complete at least three (3) hours of annual training related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Supervisor/Manager Pre-Service
1 | New Supervisor Academy
All supervisors/managers/coordinators of case-carrying child welfare staff and specialized support staff should initiate and complete the Nevada Child Welfare Supervisor Pre-Service Training Program developed for supervisors, managers, and coordinators as soon as available upon hire/promotion. See more about New Supervisor Academy.
Supervisor/Manager In-Service
Completion of at least thirty (30) hours of continuing education in the field of child welfare practice every two (2) years from date of hire. These hours must include, but are not limited to:
1 | Specific Training
Supervisors and managers, while completing their annual in-service training requirements, should seek out training specific to supervisors, as available.
2 | LGBTQ+
All staff that come into direct contact with children and their supervisors must complete annual training on topics related to working with LGBTQ youth - annually from the date of hire.
3 | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
All staff engaged in child welfare services and staff who are handling or could potentially handle cases involving a sexually exploited child and the supervisors of these staff must complete at least three (3) hours of annual training related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children.